
12 Week Fat Destroyer

This workout plan is designed to help you shred fat and get in shape in only 12 weeks. This might sound like hype, but it's not. The following plan is not easy. It starts slowly, but builds rapidly. Every detail of your diet and training for the next 12 weeks will be laid out for you. You will be told exactly what to eat, how much cardio to do, and how to weight train. The goal is simple: lose fat, maintain muscle mass, get in shape and transform your physique as much as possible over the next 3 months. You want to not only look better, but have the fitness level and strength to match your new body. Over the next 12 weeks your goals and expectations are: Fat Loss - To lose at least 10 pounds of fat. Muscle Mass - To maintain, or even gain lean muscle mass. Conditioning - To be in amazing shape; perhaps the best shape in years. The 12 Week Diet Plan Each week will consist of 3 different types of eating days. High Carb Days - 1 day per week Moderate Carb Days - 3 days per week Low Carb Days - 3 days per week You may structure these days in any preferred manner. I suggest keeping the high carb day for special occasions. That way you can attend family functions, or eat out with friends, and indulge a little more than normal. It should be noted that calorie intake can be adjusted based on metabolism. The follow changes are recommended: Men 40+ - Reduce daily calories by 300. Men 20-25 - Increase daily calories by 300. Women 40+ - Reduce daily calories by 200. Women 20-25 - Increase daily calories by 200.

Plan Includes

  • Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

  • Personalised meal plan & recipes

  • Regular progress check-ins

  • Regular updates in plans based on your progress

  • 24/7 chat support

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Your personalised schedule is made available in the app in 24-48 hrs
  • Follow workouts, log nutrition and other metrics
  • Connect with me in case of any queries via in-app chat
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